sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

My e-project rubric

Hello everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about the assessment of my e-project that is explained in the previous post.
This project is designed to be assessed following this pattern:
  • The Teacher will evaluate the challenge (Comic) and the search of information. It will be 40% of the final score.
  • The partners will carry out peer assessment on the blog and grade about how their teamwork has worked. It will be 20% of the final score . The students can generate the different criteria or items to be assessed.
  • Students will self-assess the final task using the rubric. It will be 20% of the final score.
The final score will also include a 20% for the teacher to evaluate how the students have been involved in the project or tackled the different activities.
Both teachers and students are suggested to use the available rubric to assess both the process and the outcomes.
When assessing, we need to consider four basic principles: Why, What, When and How to evaluate?
Why? We evaluate both the students and our teaching to detect the successes and the deficiencies to address the problems before they become serious.
What? We assess the teaching-learning process as well. The teacher can modify the planning as needed in order to maximise the results and the learners can use critical thinking to reflect on what they have achieved.
How? Through daily observation in class such as group projects, pair work and individual work and exams, surveys and interviews the teacher and the students will get feedback.
               Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and a very useful tool when it provides positive reinforcement. Not only does it provide information about the student’s progress, but also with significant data about the effectiveness of our didactic planning. This reflection will allow us to make changes in its design for the next year.
            Assessment will be a continuous process that will be undertaken throughout the whole learning process, and will include factors such as general progress, effort, attitude towards learning. Besides, we will deal with summative assessment and formative assessment and the “Can do” statements will be used to describe the assessment criteria for both summative and formative assessment. It is essential that we assess the 21st century' skills.

To see the rubric I've created you can click on this link Project: Save our planet!
To create that rubric I've used QuickRubric that is an online tool that allows you to create rubrics easily.  Once you are logged in, you have to click on "Create a rubric" (orange square in th image below). Then you can start filling the information: a tittle, a description, different criterias or topics you want to assess and the scale of rating you want to use.
Here you have a screenshot of a blank Quick Rubric:
You can simply add a new criteria/topic clicking on "add row" (green) and also a new scale of rating clicking on "add column" (red). Then, if you click on Score, you can change the maximum and the minimun score when rating. You can also click on "No score" in case you do not want to add a cuantitative rating.

Once you are happy with your result you can click on the green box at the bottom of the page to "Save Rubric". Then, when you have saved your rubric, you will have new options at the bottom of the page.
- Click on View/Print Rubric (yellow) if you want to print your rubric or if you want to share it online, because by clicking here you will obtain a public URL to your rubric.
- Click on Copy Rubric if you want to duplicate your rubric.
- Click on Delete Rubric if you are not happy with the result and you want to delete your rubric.

From my point of view, this tool allows you to easily create a rubric by only filling a present template, which you can adapt to your own needs. However, there are some things that I did not liked it about the app. The first one is that you cannot obtain an embedded code to share it in a more visual way. Also, it would be great if the web could provide you with a share button to directly share it on twitter, facebook or wherever you want. 
In any case, I think it is a very useful tool that can save a lot of time too.

I hope you find this post interesting!

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