domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

Learning by twittering

Hello again!!

In this section I am going to present you my twitter account and some of the reasons why we all should have one.
Setting up a Twitter account is only one part of the process of establishing a viable presence online. We can learn a lot from people that are relevant to follow depending on the area you wish to become part of. 
If you have already one and you want to know more about me, follow me: @GMEstrellaa . But if you don't have an account and you want to create it you can follow these steps to start building your digital identity:
  1. Create an account (Choose your nick carefully).
  2. Add a profile picture (i.e. a personal photo).
  3. Write a brief bio including the details of your choice.
  4. Show your personal website or blog, if you have one. If you don't, no issues, you will be able to add it later. 
As a social networking site, Twitter is one of the biggest online places where you can meet people from different cultures and orientations. But more than knowing what people from the other side of the world are liking at the moment, what's important is getting the opportunity to be acquainted with future friends may also be interested in the same things or might even live in the same locality. You can meet some of the best friends you will ever have in your life by searching for them in a few discussion places on Twitter.

For instance, I am learning a lot about CLIL at present and I have used the hashtag #ictclil_urjc to share my own definition of CLIL.

I encourage you to do the same, you won't regret it. Twitter is a nice way of being connected and updated.

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